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Juubee Ninpuuchou: Ryuuhougyoku-hen (Ninja Scroll) (13/13) (AniSekai Fansub)

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Juubee Ninpuuchou: Ryuuhougyoku-hen(Spring 2003)

  1. R-17+
  2. 13 episodes
  3. 24 minutes
  4. TV


  1. Rating
  2. Source
  3. Aired
    Apr 15, 2003 - Jul 15, 2003
  4. Status
    Finished Airing
  5. Studio
      • Madhouse
  6. Producer
      • Studio Take Off
  7. Licensor
      • Discotek Media
      • Urban Vision
  8. Genres


    • Director
    • Episode Director
    • Storyboard
    • Key Animation
    • Episode Director
    • Episode Director

Fourteen years after defeating the immortal warrior Himuro Genma and thwarting the Shogun of the Dark's evil plans, Kibagami Jubei continues to roam all over Japan as a masterless swordsman. During his journey, he meets Shigure, a priestess who has never seen the world outside her village. But when a group of demons destroys the village and kills everyone, Jubei becomes a prime target after acquiring the Dragon Jewel—a stone with an unknown origin. Meanwhile, Shigure—along with the monk Dakuan and a young thief named Tsubute—travels to the village of Yagyu. And with two demon clans now hunting down Shigure, Dakuan must once again acquire the services of Jubei to protect the Priestess of Light.written by https://myanimelist.net/
  1. #6135rank
  2. #3467popularity
  3. 46Kmembers
  4. 113favorites
  • All Names
  • EnglishNinja Scroll: The Series
  • Original獣兵衛忍風帖「龍宝玉篇」
  • Other NamesJuubee Ninpuuchou: Ryuuhougyoku Hen, Jubei Ninpucho - Ryuhougyokuhen, Jubei Ninpucho: Ryuhogyoku-Hen, Wind Ninja Chronicles [Dragon Stone Chapter], Ninja Scroll - The Series



Çevirmen: nitec
Editör & Karaoker & Senkron & Encoder: libero1i



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Klasör şifresi: www.AniSekai.com

Bölüm Listesi;


Bölüm Listesi:

1. Gizli Köydeki Trajedi
2. Hareket
3. Yasak Aşk
4. Kırık Taş
5. Elmas Taş
6. Yağmurdaki Sığınak
7. Çiçek
8. Rengoku’nun Kaderi
9. İçerdeki Ejder
10. Hiruko’nun Kalbi
11. Yagyu Renya
12. Yenilenen Hanedan        
13. Elveda Jubei


  • Like1
  • Mutlu1
  • xD1


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