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Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso: Moments (OVA) (1/1) [AniSekai Fansub]

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Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso: Moments (2015)

  1. PG-13
  2. 1 episode
  3. 23 minutes
  4. OVA


  1. Rating
  2. Source
  3. Aired
    May 15, 2015
  4. Status
    Finished Airing
  5. Studio
      • A-1 Pictures
  6. Producer
  7. Licensor
  8. Genres


    • Producer
    • Producer
    • Producer
    • Assistant Producer

The rivalry between three piano geniuses in Towa Hall starts with the prodigy Kousei Arima. While his emotive first performance enamors the free-spirited Emi Igawa, Kousei eventually evolves his technique to become exact and precise, finding himself a new follower in the eccentric Takeshi Aiza. Unbeknownst to outsiders, the two other players begin to target Kousei with their respective performances. Emi attempts to convert Kousei back to his old self with her vibrant playing, while Aiza turns his admiration for Kousei into motivation to beat him at his own game. written by https://myanimelist.net/
  1. #1324 rank
  2. #2025 popularity
  3. 114K members
  4. 177 favorites
  • All Names
  • English Your Lie in April: Moments
  • Original 四月は君の嘘 MOMENTS
  • Other Names Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso OVA



Çeviri ve Editör: Nones

Encoder ve Karaoker: libero1i



- Klasör Linkleri (ikona tıklayın) -

Klasör şifresi: www.AniSekai.com

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