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Sidonia no Kishi: Daikyuu Wakusei Seneki [12/12] [AniSekai Fansub]

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Sidonia no Kishi: Daikyuu Wakusei Seneki (Spring 2015)

  1. R-17+
  2. 12 episodes
  3. 24 minutes
  4. TV


  1. Rating
  2. Source
  3. Aired
    Apr 11, 2015 - Jun 27, 2015
  4. Status
    Finished Airing
  5. Studio
      • Polygon Pictures
  6. Producer
    • Starchild Records
    • Mainichi Broadcasting System
    • (and 2 more)
      • Starchild Records
      • Mainichi Broadcasting System
      • Kodansha
      • Studio Mausu
  7. Licensor
      • Funimation
      • Sentai Filmworks
  8. Genres

After barely escaping a collision with a gigantic Gauna at the cost of many human lives, Kobayashi—the captain of the spaceship Sidonia—is prompted to change her political paradigm. Once she seizes full power, Kobayashi aims to eradicate the Gaunas from the Lem system where former Sidonians have recently established a colony. Her ambition is justified by two breakthroughs: the development of highly effective, long-range anti-Gauna weapons, and the creation of Tsumugi Shiraui—the first human-Gauna chimera possessing great destructive power.

Facing hostility toward chimeras and her uncertain large-scale military expedition, Kobayashi enlists the help of the new elite pilot Nagate Tanikaze. Due to his personal experiences with Shizuka Hoshijiro and Benisuzume's placenta, Tanikaze soon develops a close bond with Tsumugi. As the final battle against humanity's most formidable opponent approaches, Tanikaze tries to enjoy the last days of peace with his friend Izana Shinatose—all while Kobayashi secretly pursues the development of an experimental weapon that could very well lead to the complete destruction of Sidonia. written by https://myanimelist.net/
  1. #1250 rank
  2. #1918 popularity
  3. 122K members
  4. 350 favorites
  • All Names
  • English Knights of Sidonia: Battle for Planet Nine
  • Original シドニアの騎士 第九惑星戦役
  • Other Names Knights of Sidonia: War of the Ninth Planet, Sidonia no Kishi: Dai-kyuu Wakusei Seneki



Çevirmen: eray.gns
Editör: libero1i
Encoder: Ashriel



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