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Diabolik Lovers, More Blood (12/12) [AniSekai Fansub]

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Diabolik Lovers More,Blood (Fall 2015)

  1. R-17+
  2. 12 episodes
  3. 12 minutes
  4. TV


  1. Rating
  2. Source
    Visual novel
  3. Aired
    Sep 24, 2015 - Dec 10, 2015
  4. Status
    Finished Airing
  5. Studio
      • Zexcs
  6. Producer
      • Frontier Works
  7. Licensor
      • Sentai Filmworks
  8. Genres

Yui Komori, still held captive by the Sakamaki brothers—pureblood vampires after her blood—experiences yet more bizarre twists to her life following her stay at their household. Though haunted by enigmatic dreams, Yui soon deciphers their meaning when caught in a car crash, which subsequently leads to meeting four new vampires: the Mukami brothers, Ruki, Azusa, Kou, and Yuuma, who themselves capture the bewildered girl.

Yui later awakens in the Mukami mansion, where the brothers reveal their plans for her: she is their "Eve," and her blood will find the "Adam" among them; together, they will have the power to rule the world. However, with the Sakamaki brothers hot on their heels, things might not go quite as smoothly as they had imagined. written by https://myanimelist.net/
  1. #12024 rank
  2. #1516 popularity
  3. 165K members
  4. 585 favorites
  • All Names
  • English Diabolik Lovers II: More,Blood
  • Other Names Diabolik Lovers 2nd Season, Diabolik Lovers Second Season, Diabolik Lovers: More Blood



Çevirmen: Hdeyr
Redaktör: sugarsoldier
Editör: bgmgmgm
Encoder: MaxweLL



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Klasör şifresi: www.AniSekai.com

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  • Mutlu 1
12.07.2015 - 14:52, libero1i yazdı:

Ekip yakiyor ♡♡♡ Hayirli ossun genjler xD Keske encode bileydim dedim su an xdxdxd


ASUS_T00J-D cihazımdan Tapatalk kullanılarak gönderildi

@Ronron Öğretiriz yiğenim sıkıntı yok xD

Kitleme kokusu aliyorum sanki xD never ever never yeğenim ben boyle iyiyim [emoji39] [emoji12]





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