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Danganronpa 3: The End of Kibougamine Gakuen - Kibou-hen (Special) (AniSekai Fansub)

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Danganronpa 3: The End of Kibougamine Gakuen - Kibou-hen (2016)

  1. R-17+
  2. 1 episode
  3. 24 minutes
  4. myanimelist_values_category_tvspecial


  1. Rating
  2. Source
    Visual novel
  3. Aired
    Sep 29, 2016
  4. Status
    Finished Airing
  5. Studio
      • Lerche
  6. Producer
  7. Licensor
      • Funimation
  8. Genres


    • Producer
    • Assistant Producer
    • Director
    • Script

The Future Foundation is in shambles after the Final Killing Game and the revelation of the true culprit. As a desperate plot arises from one of the survivors to rid the world of despair once and for all, the remaining Future Foundation members must band together to stop this atrocity from taking place. Fortunately, they find themselves with help from a group of unlikely allies as they race against the clock to stop their world from being changed.

In this finale to the Hope's Peak storyline of the Danganronpa series, the players in this neverending death game begin to understand the true meaning behind despair, hope, and atonement. written by https://myanimelist.net/
  1. #2404 rank
  2. #1351 popularity
  3. 188K members
  4. 908 favorites
  • All Names
  • English Danganronpa 3: The End of Hope's Peak High School - Hope Arc
  • Original ダンガンロンパ3-The End of 希望ヶ峰学園-希望編
  • Other Names Danganronpa 3: The End of Hope's Peak Academy - Hope Volume



Çevirmen: axlmoose
Editör: Deat H Note.
Encoder: S.Erturk



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