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Fairy Tail (2014) (2. Sezon) (102/102) [AniSekai Fansub]

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Fairy Tail(Spring 2014)

  1. PG-13
  2. 102 episodes
  3. 24 minutes
  4. TV


  1. Rating
  2. Source
  3. Aired
    Apr 5, 2014 - Mar 26, 2016
  4. Status
    Finished Airing
  5. Studio
      • A-1 Pictures
      • Bridge
  6. Producer
      • TV Tokyo
      • Dentsu
  7. Licensor
      • Funimation
  8. Genres


    • Producer
    • Producer
    • Assistant Producer
    • Director
    • Episode Director
    • Storyboard

The Grand Magic Games reaches its climax following Natsu Dragneel and Gajeel Redfox's stunning victory over Sting Eucliffe and Rogue Cheney of the Sabertooth guild. This success pushes the Fairy Tail guild closer to being crowned the overall champions, but obtaining victory is not the only challenge they face. A mystery still surrounds a hooded stranger and the ominous Eclipse Gate, leaving more questions than answers.

More crazy adventures are on the horizon for Fairy Tail as their destructive antics and joyful rowdiness continue unabated. Their greatest trial is quickly approaching, but united as a family, the guild will always be ready to face any threat that comes their way.written by https://myanimelist.net/
  1. #1413rank
  2. #160popularity
  3. 1033Kmembers
  4. 12Kfavorites
  • All Names
  • EnglishFairy Tail Series 2
  • OriginalFAIRY TAIL(フェアリーテイル)
  • Other NamesFairy Tail Season 2



Çevirmen: Musty94
Editör: Ronron
Karaoker & Encoder: libero1i



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Klasör şifresi: www.AniSekai.com

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