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Tales of Zestiria the Cross: Saiyaku no Jidai (AniSekai Fansub)

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Tales of Zestiria the Cross: Saiyaku no Jidai(2016)

  1. PG-13
  2. 1 episode
  3. 23 minutes
  4. Special


  1. Rating
  2. Source
  3. Aired
    Jul 3, 2016
  4. Status
    Finished Airing
  5. Studio
      • ufotable
  6. Producer
  7. Licensor
      • Funimation
  8. Genres


    • Producer
    • Sound Director
    • Planning
    • Director
    • Episode Director
    • Storyboard
    • Theme Song Performance
    • Theme Song Lyrics
    • Theme Song Composition
    • Theme Song Arrangement
    • Music

In recent years, problems regarding atmospheric instability have greatly burdened the Hyland Kingdom, affecting the quality of crops and the citizens' health across the region. One day, the people of Guriel discover an eerie cloud of mist hovering over their town; its severity captures the attention of royal princess Alisha Diphda.

She sends her subordinate Crem to investigate the situation, but receives no news from her for two weeks. Worried for Crem's safety, Alisha departs for Guriel herself with her attendants in tow. What awaits them there, however, is an issue of unprecedented scale.written by https://myanimelist.net/
  1. #3234rank
  2. #2907popularity
  3. 64Kmembers
  4. 25favorites
  • All Names
  • EnglishTales of Zestiria the X Prologue: The Age of Chaos
  • Originalテイルズ オブ ゼスティリア ザ クロス #00 災厄の時代
  • Other NamesTales of Zestiria the X Episode 00



Çevirmen: Lucinia
Editör: ellesar67
Karaoker & Encoder: S.Erturk



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