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- [mal type=anime id=1735] Çeviri: R.C. Editör & Opening-Ending Karaoke & Encoder: DirtyDragon & R.C & Deat H Note. - LİNKLER GÜNCELLENECEK - - Linkler (ikona tıklayın) - Klasör şifresi: Notlar; - 1-216 arası AnimeOU - 217-250 R.C. yazanlar AniSekai Fansub'a ait videolar. 251'den itibaren bu yazı AniSekai Fansub olarak değişmektedir.3points
- [mal type=anime id=269] - 1-366 Linkler (ikona tıklayın) - Klasör şifresi: www.AniSekai.com2points
- [mal type=anime id=31741] Çevirmen: ereyiz Editör & Karaoker: S.Erturk K-Timer: ellesar67 Encoder: libero1 - Linkler (ikona tıklayın) - Klasör şifresi: www.AniSekai.com1point
- Sevgili, değerli, yeri doldurulamaz, anime dünyasının en kıymetli hazinelerinden biri olan Anisekai Fansub ekibine, Öncelikle, bu satırları yazarken bile içimde tarifi imkânsız bir heyecan, mutluluk ve minnet duygusu var. Çünkü sizler, biz anime severlerin hayatına bambaşka bir renk, ışık ve anlam katan muhteşem insanlarsınız! Ne desem, nasıl teşekkür etsem az kalır. Ancak yine de elimden geldiğince duygularımı ifade etmeye çalışacağım ve umarım bu uzun mesaj, sizlere duyduğum büyük minnettarlığın sadece küçük bir yansıması olur. Bugün burada size özel olarak teşekkür etmek istememin sebebi, yıllardır birçok kişinin hayalini kurduğu, ancak bir türlü gerçek olacağına inanamadığı o büyük mucizeyi gerçekleştirmenizdir: Sankarea animesini Blu-ray kalitesinde, üstelik Türkçe altyazı ile bizlere sunmanız! Evet, yanlış duymadınız, Sankarea! Bu animeyi uzun yıllardır kaliteli bir şekilde izlemek isteyen, Blu-ray sürümünü hayal eden sayısız anime severin duasına adeta kulak verdiniz ve kendi internet sitenize yükleyerek erişimi de son derece kolay bir hâle getirdiniz! Sizler olmasaydınız, kim bilir kaç kişi bu şaheseri hâlâ düşük çözünürlükte, kötü encode edilmiş eski sürümlerle izlemek zorunda kalacaktı… Ama artık değil! Çünkü Anisekai Fansub var! Sizler, sadece bir çeviri grubu değil, aynı zamanda birer kültür elçisi, birer anime sanatçısı ve nihayetinde gerçek birer kahramansınız! Evet, belki pelerinleriniz yok, belki gökyüzünde uçmuyorsunuz, belki dev robotlarınız da yok ama sizlerin yaptığı şeyler, bizim için bundan farksız! Geceler boyunca oturup en iyi çeviriyi yapabilmek için uğraşan, altyazıları tek tek inceleyen, en doğru terimleri seçmek için araştırma yapan, encode işlemleriyle saatlerce, belki günlerce uğraşan, video kalitesini mükemmel hâle getirmek için defalarca test eden ve en sonunda biz anime severlere en kaliteli, en kusursuz, en tatmin edici sürümü sunan sizlere nasıl teşekkür etsek azdır. Her çeviri ekibinin yaptığı iş büyük bir takdiri hak eder ama sizinki bambaşka bir seviyede! Çünkü siz sadece popüler animeleri değil, kıyıda köşede kalmış, birçok kişinin hâlâ değerini tam anlamıyla bilemediği ama hak ettiği ilgiyi görmesi gereken animeleri de seçiyorsunuz! Sankarea gibi özel ve eşsiz bir eseri Blu-ray kalitesinde sunarak, bu seriyi seven herkese tarifsiz bir mutluluk yaşattınız. Ve en önemlisi, bunu sadece bir torrent dosyası ya da bir linkle bırakmadınız, bizzat kendi internet sitenize yükleyerek herkesin kolayca erişmesini sağladınız! Bu, gerçekten büyük bir emek ve özveri gerektiren bir iş. Birçok çeviri grubu, bu tür projelere girişmekten çekinirken, sizler her zaman cesurca en iyisini yapmayı hedeflediniz. Sizler sayesinde, Türkiye'deki anime izleyicileri, dünya çapında ses getiren, etkileyici ve unutulmaz bir seriyi en kaliteli hâliyle deneyimleme fırsatı buldu. Siz olmasaydınız, belki de birçok kişi bu animeyi asla doğru düzgün izleyemeyecekti. Belki de insanlar, kötü encode’larla, yanlış çevirilerle, düşük çözünürlüklü versiyonlarla yetinmek zorunda kalacaktı. Ama siz, Anisekai Fansub ekibi olarak, "Biz anime severler için buradayız, en iyisini yapacağız!" dediniz ve bunu gerçekten de başardınız. Yaptığınız her şey için, her bir encode, her bir çeviri, her bir satır, her bir kare için, bizlere sunduğunuz eşsiz kalite için sonsuz teşekkürler! Bu kadar büyük bir emeği, bu kadar özverili bir çalışmayı, bu kadar sevgiyle ve tutkuyla yaptığınız için ne kadar teşekkür etsek azdır. Sizler var oldukça, biz anime severler asla yalnız olmayacağız ve en iyi içeriklere en kaliteli şekilde ulaşmaya devam edeceğiz! Hepinize tek tek minnettarız! İyi ki varsınız, iyi ki Anisekai Fansub var!1point
- [mal type=anime id=1535] Çevirmen: anchan07 Editör & Karaoker & Encoder: Deat H Note. - Linkler (ikona tıklayın) - Klasör şifresi: www.AniSekai.com1point
- [mal type=anime id=22687] Çevirmen: Pino Editör & Karaoker & Encoder: Deat H Note. - Linkler (ikona tıklayın) - Klasör şifresi: www.AniSekai.com1point
- [mal type=anime id=226] Çevirmen: nitec Editör & Kareoke & Senkron & Encoder: libero1i - Linkler (ikona tıklayın) - Klasör şifresi: www.AniSekai.com1point
- [mal type=anime id=11757] Çevirmen: MousassaKanjeri Editör: S.Erturk Karaoker & Encoder: Deat H Note. - Linkler (ikona tıklayın) - Klasör şifresi: www.AniSekai.com1point
- [mal type=anime id=9936] Çevirmen: FireHozeO_o & Theprestige & Ermac & MertEvirgen Editör & Encoder: Darkbower - Linkler (ikona tıklayın) - Klasör şifresi: www.AniSekai.com1point
- [mal type=manga id=47] Çevirmen: Hawkon Editör: O.T - 283-386 Arası Linkler - Notlar; - Hawkon: 1-282. Bölümler arası animeye uyarlandığı için çevirilmeyecektir - O.T: 283-374 Arşivinin içinde birçok sitenin adı geçtiği için tek tek izin almam çok zor bu yüzden proje sahiplerinden özür diliyor ve anlayışları için teşekkür ediyorum.1point
- [mal type=anime id=29786] Çevirmen: Xyzzy Editör & Karaoker: Deat H Note Encoder: MaxweLL - Linkler (ikona tıklayın) - Klasör şifresi: www.AniSekai.com1point
- [mal type=anime id=28891] Cevirmen: Chitanda Editör: Ronron Karaoker: S.Erturk Encoder: libero1i - Linkler (ikona tıklayın) - Klasör şifresi: www.AniSekai.com1point
- [mal type=anime id=21] - PROJE ASKIDADIR - HD DÜZENLEME BİLGİLERİ: Çeviri: Kazasker & Eray.Gns Editor& Karaoker: S.Erturk & Deat H Note. Encoder: S.Erturk & Deat H Note. Fx: S.Erturk & Deat H Note. Karaoke Zamanlama: S.Erturk & Deat H Note. - Linkler Yenilenecek -1point
- [mal type=anime id=25777] Çevirmen: Xyzzy Editör & Karaoker & Encoder: S.Erturk - Linkler (ikona tıklayın) - Klasör şifresi: www.AniSekai.com1point
- 1point
- Kırmızı Renk : Bu renk ile işaretlenmiş bölümler filler bölümlerdir. Filler bölüm demek mangada yer almayıp animede yer alan bölümler eğer animeyi bu bölümleri izlemeden izlersiniz birşey kaybetmezsiniz. The Substitute (1-20) 001 - A Shinigami Is Born! 002 - Pay or Play 003 - Sibling Rivalry 004 - And Your Bird Can Speak 005 - Beat the Invisible Enemy! 006 - Fight to the Death! Ichigo vs Ichigo 007 - Greetings from a Stuffed Toy 008 - June 17th, A Memory of Rain 009 - Unbeatable Enemy.avi 010 - Assault on Trip at Sacred Ground! 011 - The Legendary Quincy 012 - A Gentle Right Arm 013 - Flowers and Hollows 014 - Back to Back, A Fight to the Death! 015 - Kon's Great Plan 016 - Encounter, Renji Abarai! 017 - Ichigo Dies! 018 - Reclaim! The Power of the Shinigami 019 - Ichigo Becomes a Hollow! 020 - Ichimaru the Silver Shadow The Entry (21-41) 021 - Enter! The World of the Shinigami 022 - The Man who Hates Shinigamis 023 - The Sentence of Rukia, Before the 14th Day 024 - Assemble! The 13 Divisions 025 - Penetrate the Center with an Enormous Bombshell 026 - Formation! The Worst Tag 027 - Release The Death Blow! 028 - Orihime Is Being Targeted 029 - Breakthrough! The Deathgods' Encompassing Net 030 - Renji's Confrontation 031 - The Resolution To Kill 032 - Stars And The Stray 033 - Miracle! The Mysterious New Hero 034 - Tragedy of Dawn 035 - Assassination of Aizen! The darkness which approaches 036 - Kenpachi Zaraki Approaches! 037 - Reason of the Fist 038 - Desperation! The Broken Zangetsu 039 - The Man of Immortality 040 - The Deathgod whom Ganju Met 041 - Reunion, Ichigo and Rukia Soul Society: The Rescue (42-63) 042 - Yoruichi, the God of Flash, Dances! 043 - The Despicable Shinigami 044 - Ishida, Limits of Power! 045 - Overcome the Limits! 046 - Authentic Records! School of Shinigami 047 - The Avengers 048 - Hitsugaya Roars 049 - Rukia's Nightmare 050 - The Awakening Lion 051 - Morning of the Sentence 052 - Renji, Oath of the Soul! Death Match with Byakuya 053 - Ichimaru Gin's Temptation, Resolution of Destruction 054 - An Accomplished Oath! Get Back Rukia! 055 - The Strongest Shinigami! Ultimate Confrontation Between Teacher and Student 056 - Supersonic Battle! Determine The Goddess Of Chivalry 057 - One Thousand Cherry Blossoms, Crushed! Zangetsu Thrusts Through The Sky 058 - Unseal! The Black Blade, The Miraculous Power 059 - Conclusion Of The Death Match! White Pride And Black Desire 060 - Truth Of Despair, The Dagger That Has Been Brandished 061 - Aizen Stands Out! His Terrifying Ambition 062 - Congress Together! The Strongest Shinigami Organization! 063 - Rukia's Resolution, Ichigo's Feelings The Bount (64-91) 064 - New School Term, Renji has come to the Material world! 065 - Creeping Terror, the Second Victim 066 - Break Through! The Trap Hidden in the Labyrinth 067 - Death Game! The Missing Classmate 068 - True Identity of the Devil, the Secret which is Revealed 069 - Bount! The Soul Hunters 070 - Return of Rukia! The Substitute Team Revival 071 - The Moment of Collision!! An Evil Hand Draws Near to the Quincy 072 - Water Attack! Escape from the Shutdown Hospital 073 - Gathering at the Place of Destiny! The Man who makes his Move 074 - Memories of an Eternally Living Clan 075 - Earth-Shattering Event at 11th Division! The Shinigami that rises again 076 - Crashing Force! Friido vs. Zangetsu 077 - Vanishing Grudge! The Shinigami that Kenpachi cut down 078 - Shocking Revelations for the Gotei 13 divisions!! The truth buried in history 079 - Yoshino's decision of death 080 - Assault from a formidable enemy! A tiny final line of defense 081 - Hitsugaya Moves! The Attacked City 082 - Ichigo vs. Dalk! The appearance of the faded darkness 083 - Grey Shadow, the Secret of the Doll 084 - Dissension in the Substitute Team? Rukia's Betraya 085 - Battle of Tears! Rukia vs. Orihime 086 - Rangiku dances! Cut down the invisible enemy 087 - Byakuya assembles! The Gotei 13 divisions make their move 088 - Annihilation of the Vice-Captains! Trap in the Underground Cave 089 - Rematch! Ishida vs. Nemu 090 - Abarai Renji, Soul of Bankai! 091 - Shinigami and Quincy! The Reviving Power! The Assault (92-109) 092 - Enter the World of the Shinigami, Again 093 - Assault of the Bounts! Chaos in the Gotei 13 Divisions 094 - Hitsugaya's Resolution! The Moment of Conflict Approaches 095 - Byakuya Takes the Field! Dance of the Wind-Splitting Cherry Blossoms 096 - Ichigo, Byakuya, Kariya - Batle of the Three Extremes!! 097 - Hitsugaya Moves Out! Cut Down the enemy in the Forest 098 - Clash! Zaraki Kenpachi vs. Ichinose Maki 099 - Shinigami vs. Shinigami! The Uncontrollable Power 100 - Soifon Dies-The Last of the Special Forces 101 - Mayuri's Bankai! Sawatari Clash of the Demon 102 - The Last Quincy! The Exploding Power 103 - Ishida, exceeding the limits to attack 104 - 10th Division's Death Struggle! The Release of Hyourinmaru 105 - Kariya! Countdown to the Detonation 106 - Life and Revenge! Ishida, the Ultimate Choice 107 - The Swung-Down Edge! The Moment of Ruin 108 - The Wailing Bount! The Last Clash 109 - Ichigo and Rukia, Thoughts in the Revolving Sky The Arrancar (110-131) 110 - Reopening of the Substitute Business! The Terrifying Transfer Student 111 - Shock! The Father's True Identity 112 - The Commencement of War, the Vizards and the Arrancars 113 - Prelude to the Apocalypse, the Arrancar Offensive! 114 - Reunion, Ichigo and Rukia 115 - Mission! The Soul Reapers Have Come 116 - The Evil Eye, Aizen Again 117 - Rukia's Battle Commences! The Freezing White Blade 118 - Ikkaku's Bankai! The Power That Breaks Everything 119 - Zaraki Division's Secret Story! The Lucky Men 120 - Hitsugaya scatters! The broken Hyourinmaru 121 - Clash! The person who protects vs. the person who is hidden 122 - Visored! The Power of the Awakened 123 - Ichigo, Complete Hollowification! 124 - Collision! Black Bankai and the White Bankai 125 - Urgent Report! Aizen's Terrifying Plan! 126 - Uryu vs. Ryuken! Clash of the Parent-Child Quincys 127 - Urahara's Decision, Orihime's Thoughts 128 - The Nightmare Arrancar! Team Hitsugaya moves out 129 - The Swooping Descent of the Dark Emissary! The Propagation of Malice 130 - The Invisible Enemy! Hitsugaya's Merciless Decision 131 - Rangiku's Tears, the Sorrowful Parting of Brother and Sister The Arrancar Part 2: The Hueco Mundo Sneak Entry (132-151) 132 - Hitsugaya, Karin, and Soccer Ball 133 - Ikkaku: The Hot-Blooded Kendo Tale 134 - The Beautiful Patissier, Yumichika! 135 - Kon is Deceived! Rangiku on the Lookout... 136 - Civil War in Hueco Mundo! Ulquiorra's Death 137 - The Malicious Battle, Aizen's Trap 138 - Hueco Mundo moves again! Hitsugaya vs. Yammy 139 - Ichigo vs. Grimmjow, the 11-second battle! 140 - Ulquiorra's Scheme, the Moment when the Sun Sets! 141 - Goodbye..., Kurosaki! 142 - Strict Order! The Forbidden Rescue of Orihime Inoue 143 - Grimmjow Revived 144 - Ishida and Chad, The Quickening of a New Power 145 - The Espada Gather! Aizen's Royal Assembly 146 - The Name's Nel! The Appearance of a Strange Arrancar 147 - Forest of Menos! Search for the Missing Rukia 148 - Ashido, The Soul Reaper Who Came from the Past 149 - Through the Crumbling Forest, a Million Menos 150 - Oath! Back Here Alive Again 151 - The Raging Storm! Encounter with the Dancing Arrancar The Arrancar Part 3: The Fierce Fight (152-167) 152 - Ichigo Strikes Back! This Is My Bankai 153 - The Devilish Research! Szayel Aporro's Plan 154 - Rukia and Kaien, the Sorrowful Reunion 155 - Rukia Retaliates! Release the Desperate Kido 156 - Ishida & Pesche, the United Attack of Friendship 157 - Ishida's Trump Card, Seele Schneider 158 - Right Arm of the Giant, Left Arm of the Devil 159 - Yasutora Sado Dies! Orihime's Tears 160 - Testament, Your Heart is Right Here... 161 - The Cruel Arrancar, Ulquiorra's Provocation 162 - Szayel Aporro Laughs, The Net Trapping Renji is Complete 163 - Shinigami and Quincy, The Battle with Madness 164 - Ishida's Strategy, 20-Second Offense and Defense 165 - The Murderous Intent Boils! The Joyful Grimmjow 166 - Desperate Effort vs. Desperate Effort! Hollowfied Ichigo 167 - The Moment of Conclusion, The End of Grimmjow The New Captain Shusuke Amagai (168-189) 168 - The New Captain Appears! His Name Is Shusuke Amagai 169 - New Development, the Dangerous Transfer Student Appears! 170 - Desperate Struggle Under the Moonlit Night, the Mysterious Assassin and Zanpakuto... 171 - Kenryu, the Profusion of Blooming Crimson Flowers 172 - Kibune Goes to War! The Violent Wind that Rages 173 - The Appearance of the Great Evil! The Darkness in the House of Kasumioji... 174 - Break the Mirror's Boundary! Ichigo's Captivity 175 - The Revenging Assassin, Ichigo is Targeted 176 - Mystery! The Sword-Consuming Assassin 177 - The Reversal of Rukia! The Rampaging Blade 178 - The Nightmare Which is Shown, Ichigo's Inside the Mirror 179 - Confrontation! Amagai vs. Gotei 13 180 - The Princess' Decision, the Sorrowful Bride 182 - Amagai's True Strength, the Released Zanpakuto! 183 - The Darkness Which Moves! Kibune's True Colors 184 - Kira and Kibune, Offense and Defense of the 3rd Division 185 - Ice and Flame! Fierce Fight of Amagai vs. Hitsugaya 186 - Sortie Orders! Suppress the House of Kasumioji 187 - Ichigo Rages! The Assassin's Secret 188 - Duel! Amagai vs. Ichigo 189 - The Fallen Shinigami's Pride The Arrancar Part 4: Arrancar vs Shinigami (190-205) 190 - Hueco Mundo Chapter, Restart! 191 - The Frightening Banquet, Szayel Aporro Theater 192 - Nel's Secret, A Busty Beauty Joins the Battle! 193 - Irresistible, Puppet Show of Terror 194 - Neliel's Past 195 - The Ultimate Union! Pesche's Seriousness 196 - Joining the Battle! The Strongest Soul Reaper Army Appears 197 - Byakuya's Bankai, The Quiet Anger 198 - The Two Scientists, Mayuri's Trap 199 - Holy Birth, The Resurrected Szayel Aporro 200 - The Hardest Body! Cut Down Nnoitra 201 - Nnoitra Released! Multiplying Arms 202 - Fierce Fighting Conclusion! Who's the Strongest 203 - Karakura Town Gathers! Aizen Versus the Soul Reapers 204 - Ichigo's Seppuku Persuasion Strategy 205 - Thump! A Kemari Tournament Filled with Hollows The Past (206-212) 206 - The Past Chapter Begins! The Truth from 110 Years Ago 207 - 12th Division's New Captain, Urahara Kisuke 208 - Aizen and the Boy Genius 209 - Muguruma 9th Division, Moves Out 210 - Hiyori Dies! The Beginning of Tragedy 211 - Betrayal! Aizen's Secret Maneuvers 212 - Rescue Hirako! Aizen vs Urahara The Arrancar Part 5: Battle in Karakura (213-229) 213 - A Hero of Justice is Born 214 - Karakuraizer's Last Day 215 - Defend Karakura Town! Entire Appearance of the Shinigami 216 - Elite! The Four Shinigami 217 - Beautiful Little Devil Charlotte 218 - Kira, The Battle Within Despair 219 - Hisagi's Shikai! The Name is... 220 - Ikkaku Falls! The Shinigami's Crisis 221 - The Full Showdown! Shinigami vs. Espada 222 - The Most Evil Tag! Soi Fon & Omaeda 223 - A Miraculous Body! Jio Releases 224 - 3 vs 1 Battle! Rangiku's Crisis 225 - All Vice-Captains Annihilated! The Terrifying Demonic Beast 226 - Fierce Fighting Concludes! Towards a New Battle! 227 - Wonderful Error 228 - Summer! Sea! Swimsuit Festival!! 229 - Cry of the Soul; The Rug Shinigami is Born! Zanpakuto: The Alternate Tale (230-265) 230 - A New Enemy! The Materialization of Zanpakuto 231 - Byakuya, Disappearing with the Cherry Blossoms 232 - Sode no Shirayuki vs. Rukia! Confused Heart 233 - Zangetsu Becomes an Enemy 234 - Renji Surprised! The Two Zabimarus 235 - Clash! Hisagi vs. Kazeshini 236 - Release! The New Getsuga Tensho 237 - Suì-Feng, Surrounding the Zanpakuto 238 - Friendship! Hatred! Haineko & Tobiume 239 - The Awakening Hyorinmaru! Hitsugaya's Fierce Fight 240 - Byakuya's Betrayal 241 - For the Sake of Pride! Byakuya vs. Renji 242 - Shinigami and Zanpakuto, Total Sortie 243 - One-to-One Fight! Ichigo vs. Senbonzakura 244 - The Long Awaited... Kenpachi Appears! 245 - Pursue Byakuya! The Confused Gotei Divisions 246 - Special Mission! Rescue Captain Commander Yamamoto! 247 - Deceived Shinigami! The World Collapse Crisis 248 - Dragon of Ice and Dragon of Flame! The Strongest Showdown! 249 - Senbonzakura's Bankai! Offense and Defense of the Living World 250 - That Man, for the Sake of the Kuchiki 251 - Dark History! The Worst Shinigami Is Born 252 - Byakuya, the Truth Behind His Betrayal 253 - Muramasa's True Identity Revealed 254 - Byakuya and Renji, the 6th Division Returns 255 - Final Chapter - Zanpakuto The Alternate Tale 256 - The Angered Byakuya! The Collapse of the Kuchiki House 257 - A New Enemy! The True Nature of the Sword Fiends 258 - Stray Snake, Tortured Monkey 259 - Terror! The Monster That Lurks Underground 260 - Conclusion! Hisagi vs. Kazeshini 261 - The Person with the Unknown Ability! Orihime Is Targeted 262 - Haineko Cries! The Tragic Sword Fiend 263 - Imprisonment! Senbonzakura & Zabimaru 264 - Battle of the Females! Katen Kyokotsu vs. Nanao! 265 - Evolution! The Menace of the Final Sword Fiend The Arrancar Part 6: Fall of the Arrancar (266-316) 266 - Ichigo vs. Ulquiorra, Resume 267 - Connected Hearts! The Left Fist of Certain Death 268 - Hatred and Jealousy, Orihime's Dilemma 269 - Ichigo and Uryu, Bonded Back to Back 270 - Beginning of Despair... Ichigo, the Unreachable Blade 271 - Ichigo Dies! Orihime, the Cry of Sorrow! 272 - Ichigo vs. Ulquiorra, Conclusion! 273 - Fury of the Shark! Harribel's Release 274 - Hitsugaya, the Desperate Hyoten Hyakkaso! 275 - The Approaching Breath of Death, the King Who Rules Over Death! 276 - One Hit Kill, Suì-Feng, Bankai! 277 - Climax! Kyoraku vs. Starrk!.mp4 278 - The Nightmare Returns... Revival of the Espada 279 - Hirako and Aizen...the Reunion of Fate! 280 - Hisagi and Tosen, the Moment of Parting 281 - Crown of Lies, Baraggan's Grudge 282 - Power of the Soul! Los Lobos, Attack! 283 - Starrk, the Lone Battle 284 - Chain of Sacrifice, Harribel's Past 285 - The Hundred-Year Grudge! Hiyori's Revenge 286 - Ichigo's Return! Protect Karakura Town 287 - Side Story! Ichigo and the Magic Lamp 288 - The Final Trump Card! Ichigo, Towards the Decisive Battle 289 - Byakuya vs. Kenpachi! The Melee Commences 290 - For the Sake of Justice! The Man Who Deserted the Shinigami 291 - Desperate Struggle with Aizen! Hirako, Shikai! 292 - All Out War! Aizen vs. Shinigami 293 - Hitsugaya, Enraged! Blade of Hatred! 294 - Impossible to Attack! The Sealed Genryusai! 295 - It's All a Trap... Engineered Bonds! 296 - The Shocking Truth...The Mysterious Power Within Ichigo! 297 - The Extending Blade! Ichigo vs. Gin! 298 - Film! Festival! Shinigami Film Festival! 299 - Theatre Opening Commemoration! The Hell Verse Prologue 300 - Urahara Appears! Stop Aizen! - Part 301 - Ichigo Loses His Fighting Spirit! Gin's Expectation! 302 - The Final Getsuga Tensho! Ichigo's Training! 303 - Real World and Shinigami! The New Year Special! 304 - Another Side Story! This Time's Enemy Is a Monster! 305 - Delusion Roars! Hisagi, Towards the Hot Springs Inn! 306 - For the Sake of Protecting! Ichigo vs. Tensa Zangetsu! 307 - Emergency Situation! Aizen, New Evolution! 308 - Goodbye...Rangiku 309 - Fierce Fighting Conclusion! Release, the Final Getsuga Tensho! 310 - Ichigo's Resolution! The Price of the Fierce Battle 311 - The Soul Detective - Karakuraiser Takes Off Again! 312 - Inauguration! The Brand New 2nd Division Captain! 313 - The Man Who Risks His Life in the 11th Division! 314 - Kon saw it! The Secret of a Beautiful Office Lady 315 - Yachiru's friend! The Shinigami of Justice Appears! 316 - Toshiro Hitsugaya's Holiday! Gotei 13 Invading Army (317-342) 317 - Unusual Incident in Seireitei! Gotei 13 Invading Army Arc! 318 - Renji vs. Rukia! Battle With Comrades! 319 - Ichigo's Capture Net! Escape From Soul Society! 320 - Gotei 13, Gathering in the Real World! 321 - Showdown of Mutual Self, Ikkaku vs. Ikkaku! 322 - Clash! Rukia vs. Rukia! 323 - Protect Ichigo! Nozomi's Determination 324 - Recapture Seireitei! The Captains Move! 325 - For the Sake of the Believers! Byakuya vs. Hitsugaya! 326 - The Two Hinamori, Hitsugaya's Resolution 327 - Pride of the Kuchiki Family! Byakuya vs. Byakuya! 328 - Defeat Kageroza! Shinigami, All-Out War! 329 - The Forbidden Research...Nozomi's Hidden Secret! 330 - I Want to Live...! Nozomi's Zanpakuto 331 - For the Sake of Fighting! The Awakened Nozomi! 332 - The Most Evil Reigai, Appearing in the Real World! 333 - Destroy Nozomi! Genryusai's Decision! 334 - The Depleting Reiatsu! Ichigo, Death Struggle of the Soul! 335 - Hiding in the Dangai! Another Ichigo! 336 - Pursue Kageroza! Technological Development Department, Infiltration! 337 - The Developer of the Modified Souls 338 - Kon's Thoughts, Nozomi's Thoughts 339 - Protect Ichigo! The Bonds of Friends! 340 - Reigai vs. Original, The Fierce Fighting for Gambled Pride! 341 - Invading Army Arc, Final Conclusion! 342 - Thank You The Lost Agent (343-366) 343 - 3rd Year High School Student! Dressed Up, and a New Chapter Begins! 344 - A Dispute in School! Ichigo and Uryu, Fight Together! 345 - Uryu is Attacked, A Threat Draws Near the Friends! 346 - The Man with the Fullbring Ability - Kugo Ginjo 347 - A Crisis Sneaking up on the Kurosaki Family! Ichigo's Confusion! 348 - Power of the Substitute Badge, Ichigo's 'Pride'! 349 - Next Target, The Devil's Hand Aims at Orihime! 350 - The Man Who Killed the Shinigami Substitute! Tsukishima Makes His Move 351 - Fullbring, The Detested Power! 352 - Tsukishima Attacks! The Training Has Been Thwarted 353 - Ichigo, Mastering the Fullbring! 354 - Ichigo vs. Ginjo! To the Game's Space 355 - Shinigami at War! New Year in Seireitei Special! 356 - Friend or Foe! Ginjo's True Intentions! 357 - Tsukishima's Ability, the Danger is Drawing Near! 358 - Clash! Xcution attacks Ginjo 359 - The Sorrowful Battle! Ichigo vs. Sado & Orihime 360 - Ichigo vs Uryu! Who is the Traitor! 361 - A New Appearance! The Gotei 13, Arrives! 362 - Revival! Substitute Shinigami - Ichigo Kurosaki! 363 - Fierce Fight! Shinigami vs. XCUTION! 364 - Desperate Struggle! Byakuya's Troubled Memories 365 - Ichigo vs. Ginjo! Secret of the Substitute Badge 366 - Changing History, Unchanging Heart1point